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Certified Real Estate Agent


I strive to help and provide people with opportunities to grow together helping each other to become better versions of ourselves. 

After working for a long period of time and experiencing ups and downs, while completing my own American dream, I aspire to help individuals to achieve the same. Me and my team are here to help, cover, and protect families and individuals. I have experience of working in various fields leading me to become better and understand the needs of my clients in a proper manner.

My experiences in various fields

1990-1996: Served as an accountant in Kedia Organization and Nepal Gas Company. 

1996-1999: Served as Loan Officer in Siddhartha Finance Company, Lumbini. 

2000-2005: Served as Charter Secretary and Vice President of Rotary Club of Butwal. Also as Educator/Manager in Crimson College of Technology (

 2006-2013: Small Business Owner (Alabama)

2014- present: Real Estate and Insurance Agent

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+1 (562) 716-4135
